As August ends - we stride into Fall 2015

Kerry Washinton shines in Salvatore Ferragamo Fall Runway - September 2015With Summer dreams fading away day by day, we begin one of the best shopping seasons of the year. While Summer has many women busier than they want to be with children home from school and weekend house responsibilities - in the Fall they get their reprieve. Once school starts and the weekend houses close, boutiques can once again have the undivided attention that hasn't been focused since May. Add to that the higher perceived value and wear-ability of Fall / Winter collections and September / October make for some really exciting retail months!! Are you ready? Have you studied your PK book? Have you been reading the September issue of your favorite fashion mag? Do your homework - so you know WHY she needs that skirt, bag, or shoe... Start telling the fashion story in your mind as you read through the September issues. There is SO much offered this season.
DRAWN THAT WAYIllustrater and fashion insider Michael Ward's favorite Fall 2015 Ferragamo exits
One trend in the Fashion Press has been the shift from the oh-so-popular "street style" blogs / editorials to the much more romantic and whimsical creativity of artists and designer illustrators . The sudden obsession with illustration and fashion sketches is a welcomed diversion from dressed up fashionistas in painfully "natural" photo-ops. ("Street Style" shots from a studied eye like the Sartorialist are great, but others have really muddied the water). Of course the house of Ferragamo has it's finger on the pulse and featured beautiful watercolor sketches in the current #FerragamoEscape promotion of the Driver Shoe. On Trend as usual!
The celebrated sketches of Donald Robertson aka #Drawbertson are everywhere. His instagram account counts 156k followers to date. His creative take on headlines and red hot fashion is always entertaining - and intriguing. If you don't know Drawbertson - put him on your Instagram list now.
DIOR Couture as told by Michael WardAnother super talented illustrator and fashion designer is Michael Ward.
Dries Van Noten Fall 2015 by Michael Ward Ward recently featured Fall Ferragamo on his closely followed social media accounts. (MichaelWardNYC on Instagram). Ward might look familiar to those who watch reality television as he is the man behind several interior and fashion stylists- turned designers rtw collections. He's been known in the industry for years and now for the first time coming front-of-house. Ward's sketches are usually profile and his ladies STRIDE like a Supermodel from the 90's - watch out! Michael is bound to become the next Drawbertson (he already announced a partnership with a fabric company). It's exciting to see Salvatore Ferragamo Runway on the short list inspiring the most creative minds in the industry!
Donald Robertson's alter ego on Instagram "Drawbertson"
What a fun way to start a conversation with clients! Talking about Drawbertson, and then Michael Wards' sketches of Ferragamo.. who could resist these colorful creations? **This is especially relevant if you don't have RTW in your store. That is a great way to start talking about Fall trends. Letting your client know you are on top of the trends, and also know what would look great on her.
All DRESSed Up
There is something magical about a great dress. Even when the look is conservative, there is a powerful effect a woman has wearing a beautiful dress. When luxurious fabrics like silk satin are used to create the look - that takes it to another level. A beautiful dress gives a woman something sexy and seductive, even when she's not trying. The Fall Runway collection Massimiliiano created is a celebration of an understated seduction. A simplicity that screams luxury. A patchwork of colors, but nothing too "busy". With all the details, the looks are flattering. No small achievement. Celebrating all that is Ferragamo from head to toe.
One of the biggest names in television gives the best example of a beautiful, smart, and powerful woman of the 21st century. Actress Kerry Washington, star of TV's SCANDAL is all these things and more, and she wears Salvatore Ferragamo Runway on the September cover of SELF Magazine. As one of the highest paid actresses in the business, Ms. Washington is in a position to wear anything she wants. Her portrayal of Olivia Pope week after week has made her a household name around the world. Idolized by woman of all ages, Olivia and Kerry are style icons.
*Another great conversation starter about the Fall collection. Don't miss the chance to talk SCANDAL with your clients this month. While the dresses from Fall runway might not be in many clients budget plans, seize the opportunity and suggest any of the great day dress in pre-fall collection. They are so chic, wearable, and well priced.
GEO SPECTACULAR LAOS in exotic patchwork - $3,900.00If you only read newspapers or watch network news, the recent global stock sell-offs - first in China and then across the globe could have you running around like chicken little - waiting for the sky to fall. However, as industry professionals exposed to a much broader base of information - you know how one sided these situations can be. While many investors have lost money, the wealthy are still spending - and how!
I've spent my Summer vacation on the French Riviera this year and I can report - it is busier than I've seen it in the last 5 years. Boutiques, restaurants, and casinos - packed! Luxury real estate selling like hot cakes. With the terrorist attacks in Tunisia and Egypt earlier this year and last, and the economic uncertainty of Greece - the South of France, Italy, and Spain are benefiting from tourists not wanting to venture to North Africa and other developing countries. Artist Michael Wards favorite shoe from Ferragamo Fall Runway - "Laos" pump in exotic skin patchwork
Additionally, despite the stronger dollar - travelers from around the world think of America as one of the safest places to visit (even with our gun violence problems). Add to that, without a doubt the best shopping experience in the world happens in the USA. Hands down.
Politics aside, it's economics and marketing that have some brands really worried. Those "luxury" houses that have catered to the new middle class of developing countries - well, they do need to worry. Logo driven customers are the most susceptible to a weakening of the financial market like we are seeing in China. Fashion houses that shifted their focus to this entry level price point merchandise with logos everywhere are bound to be in for a bumpy ride in the next two years.
However, luxury houses like Ferragamo, Bottega Veneta, and Hermes can breathe a bit easier. By focusing on ultra-luxe designs and raw materials, these brands (and a few others) have elevated their image over the last 5 years. Oftentimes, the new logo driven client has a hard time finding items in these stores which are full of more sophisticated offerings. So while you might see less fanny pack wearing tourists in your boutique this Fall, you will see more wel heeled clients that are confident to invest in Salvatore Ferragamo - across all categories. Luxury Speaks for itself. So take a deep breath and get excited for Fall!
With so much happening on Massimiliano's Fall Ferragamo runway, it's so important and special that nothing was more exciting than those beautiful SHOES. With a sold gold legacy like the house has, to have editors and fashion fans screaming about the category that started it all - that's everything! There are several stars styles from runway this Fall, but let's look at Laos and Lilly. The geometric -cubed heel is an innovative design that would make Salvatore himself proud. This shoe is stunning. Impossible to ignore, easy to wear, and also has a price point impossible to believe. While the most exotic version retails for $3,900.00 - a sexy, runway version is also available for $1,290.00 - really! In 2015, that price can be found in collections not worthy of a runway - let alone in a legendary collection like Salvatore Ferragamo.
This style will be well stocked in your stores - but they will sell out. Editors are just warming up their stories. Get your best clients in a pair today - or yesterday!
Could Fall be more exciting? Stay tuned!
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