JOSH GARCIA - VIDEO JOURNALIST & TRAVEL HOSTNew York City is home to travellers from all over the world. If you can name a country, you can bet it is represented in here in NYC. Millions of people dream of getting here to follow that dream. Then there are those of us that live in NYC, and spend our time travelling around this big beautiful world. I travel for assignments in the fashion world and people like my buddy Josh Garcia do it for the adventure and thrill of exploring exotic locations. Garcia is a video journalist and travel host, so his trips take him to all sorts of exotic places. He might be cliff diving in Mexico or climbing mountains in far East, but it is always an adventure. Josh and I first met in a hot tub on the set
JOSH PRACTICING HIS MANDARIN?modeling in a Heineken ad here in New York, but that's a story for another article on how crazy NYC is! These days, Josh is a finalist in not one, but TWO amazing travel host contests that could take him around the world with a fat budget, a film crew, and a smile from ear to ear!
It's clear to see why out of almost 50,000 entries from over 200 countries, Josh was chosen as a finalist by the Australian Tourism Board for the Outback Adventurer Host. Josh has a genuine curiosity, and passion for meeting people and learning about different cultures. You can see how children react to him, even when they don't speak the same language - they want to connect, and so does the viewer. Josh was born and raised in Southern California and I'm sure that has more than a little to do with his outgoing, adventurous personality. If Josh wins this one, he's off to the massive countryside of Australia's Northern Territory. You know,JOSH GARCIA CLIFF DIVING IN MEXICO the part you haven't been to on holiday! I hope he brings some strong sunscreen!
Exciting enough? Apparently not - Josh is also a finalist in MY DESTINATION'S Biggest Baddest Bucket List. This adventure will take him around the world for six months - visiting famous sites from all the continets on everyone's bucket list! The journey begins with one week in the U,K. Don't forget the passport Josh!
I don't think it is a coincidence that both contests singled Josh out of all the thousands of entries. This guy deserves to win!! Click on the links above to learn more about both contests. Hey, you might want to enter next year. Why not?
While you are clicking around, connect with Josh on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. Also, watch his videos on YouTube. Follow along with him. If you like travel and like to smile, I promise you won't be disappointed.
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