New York is recovering from one of the most severe weather patterns it has seen in a generation. Hurricane Sandy devastated millions and left a path of destruction up and down the East coast of the United States. New Yorkers have reacted the best way they know how : getting back to work and helping those in need. The Fischbach Gallery in Chelsea is striking a fantastic example as they attempt to operate in some sense of normalcy during this trying time. The gallery will donate a generous TWENTY PERCENT of the proceeds from their currrent show "One sees things from the valley; only small things from the peak" to the Hurricane Sandy relief charity of your choice. Artist Emma Tapley is prominently featured in that collection and Ms. Tapley is also the subject of the solo show opening this week in the Fischbach's main gallery.
Fischbach is located in the most vibrant district for art galleries in NYC. Chelsea is located on the West side of lower Manhattan. The Hudson River flooded many streets and buildings during the storm surge, literally surrounding and devouring gallery spaces typically found on the first floor. Many galleries that had basement storage rooms lost hundreds of paintings. Despite the fact that the phone and internet systems of the building are still down, Fischbach is celebrating the opening of it's latest show on Thursday, November 8th. An interesting coincidence is the amazing work of artist Emma Tapley has the natural landscape as it's subject matter. Ms. Tapley has an artist's fascination with water, not large bodies of water as much as pools or puddles. Her talent is evident, as you would swear the paintings are photographs - the clarity is that real. Clearly, water and the power of nature are strong themes for Ms. Tapley, who was born in New York and has spent a significant amount of time in Woodstock, NY. In one glance, her work can transport you to the middle of a forest. Magical and calming, but powerful and energetic at the same time.
Get in touch with Fischbach Gallery to learn more about Emma Tapley or the other talented artists they represent. The Gallery is working to regain phone and internet service asap. Visit the website now, and if you can, stop by the gallery on Thursday November 8th, or throughout the month of November. **The artworld is an important facet of the cultural life of New York City. If you can support these artists, please do so when part of your purchase price will benefit a much needed charitable cause.**
FISCHBACH GALLERY - 210 11TH AVENUE - SUITE 801- (212)-759-2345