Selena Kills Em With Kindness.. and killer looks!

Selena Gomez has some advice for any of us dealing with haters, bigots, racists, misogynists, Trump Trolls, and any other people trying to stand in your way. It's advice your own grandmother could give you - Kill them with kindness. With the state of the current political and sometimes social environment in the world at the moment - Selena's silky smooth tune and gorgeous video directed by Emil Nava is a breath of fresh air, and actually really inspiring. Think of this as a sexier version of Taylor Swift's #ShakeItOff for 2016, but still sounds fresh in 2017- Kill Em With Kindness
Of course those that follow the private life of Selena say the song was a response to her reported ex-boyfriend Justin Beiber's "Love Yourself" - which was said to be his song dedicated to Selena in a not so subtle or polite goodbye song at the end of their relationship. Hmmm.. you can just listen without knowing any of that back story..
If you are already a Selena fan, you're used to her sultry videos. If you somehow haven't seen Selena since her Disney days - you're in for a big surprise. A pleasant, gorgeous surprise. Click links to download this Selena Tune now. It's a great cool down song for your gym playlist or just a great song to drive around to. Kill Em With Kindness