I like Joan Rivers. I always have. I grew up watching her appearances on The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson via my parents. I remember being the only kid in my class in elementary school that stayed up that late. Naturally I was full of stories for everyone at school the next day. My parents didn't know they had an extra viewer , as I would sneak downstairs and tip toe into place to see the action from the next room.
I was a fan of Carson, but my favorite nights were later when Joan was guest hosting. All these years later, I realize it was many of my friends favorite nights as well. Why do we all love Joan? The reason is Joan Rivers pushes buttons. She says things you shouldn't say. She says things you would never say. This is exactly why she is here to stay, and at 77 is having a huge success on the big screen.
"Joan Rivers A Piece of Work" is a documentary film by Ricki Stern & Anne Sundberg of Break Thru Films. The movie follows Joan for one year as she travels the RICKI STERN & ANNE SUNDBERGworld at a pace that performers half her age would find hard to keep up with. The movie is brilliant in the way it lifts the veil on what it means to be a celebrity. People think of red carpets, limos, and mansions - but who really thinks about all the work that goes into creating the aura of a famous personality.
Rivers is a hybrid when it comes to performers. She started as an actress, became famous as a stand-up, invented the red-carpet interview, made millions selling jewelry on QVC, and is still on the road performing all year long. Not only is Joan ground breaking in her comedy, she was the first major celebrity to embrace home shopping on QVC. While others were looking down their noses at the thought of selling anything on television, Joan established herself as THE celebrity designer on QVC. Twenty years later, she is the biggest selling resource on the network and is now joined by major fashion designers and celebrities that are clamoring to sell to viewers at home. I almost forgot to mention that she also competed and won Donald Trump's Celebrity Apprentice at 75! Last but not least, Joan hosts the hit show on TV Land Prime - "How'd You Get So Rich". Work much?
It is a cliche to use the phrase " when life gives you lemons".. but if you can think of anyone able to make sweeter lemonade than Rivers from the cancelled shows, bad reviews, and even the suicide of her husband -please tell me who it is?
A Piece of Work was a huge hit at the Sundance film festival earlier this year and is now in theaters. Anyone interested in show business should see this movie. Take notes. Listen and learn from the woman who wrote the book on creating a successful career on your own terms, at a time when women where still expected to be polite wall flowers. It's no mystery why people like the film. The directors clearly wanted to show you the struggle of what it means to be a star. Joan Rivers lovable personality shines through all the negativity and hard knocks. You see that at her core, Rivers is a big hearted woman who protects her own and doesn't know the word quit. I'm going to buy this movie when it is available on DVD and watch it anytime I'm feeling wiped out or sorry for myself! Joan's work ethic could kick all of us in the pants to get up and go!
Bottom line: she is funny and people like her.
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