PEACHES & GRAPES -SAN FEMO, ITALYThe pursuit of a life of style goes so far beyond the choices you make when you get dressed in the morning. Every choice you make shapes the life you live today and the life you will live tomorrow. One of the most important aspects to your well being is your diet. Dietary choices probably have the most dramatic effect on the way you look and feel. There is a glow that comes from healthy eating that no beauty cream can match.
Fruits and vegetables should be your best friends when you go shopping. That part we know, right? The new documentary FOOD INC. opens our eyes to an even more important choice we should be making before we hit the market. We should all shop for certified organic food and shop at local Farmer's Markets in our community.
This is the most important thing we can do to support farmers and also to protect our own health and our food system from the corporate giants that have taken over the industry.
Even if the food costs more per item, the benefits to your health will save you money in the long run - as we all know that health care in the U.S. is beyond expensive. Also, Americans eat too much food. If shopping organic means it would teach us to eat a little less quantity for better quality, would that be a bag thing?
See the film, and choose wisely the next time you food shop. Shop like your life depends on it, because it does.AUBERGINE - SAN REMO, ITALY
I found a great resource to locate the Farmer's Market in your area. click ORGANIC to go to the interactive map.
Pictures of produce here are from the day I recently spent in San Remo, Italy. My friends and I drove from Cannes to hit the market, as it is known far and wide for the incredible fruits and vegetables.
Here's to your health and your Life of Style!
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