For an artist to find his voice, find his style, and then find an audience is no small feat. Japanese artist Yoshitomo Nara has a unique vision of the world. Seen through the eyes of little children and puppies, Nara's world can seem like a cold and lonely place. The large eyes of his subjects are somewhat of a Rorschach test. A range of emotion is there, from sadness, to bitterness, to loneliness - or is it? Are the children spoiled brats or just neglected? It is interesting to learn that Nara was raised by working class parents and was like so many of generation what was called a latch-key kid. (A termed coined in the 70's referring to kids who came home to an empty house after school due to both parents working, which was still a novelty).
Nara has a cult following around the world. His work is merchandised in a whole range of items from t-shirts to note cards. The latest show of Nara's work was at the Asia Society on New York's Park Avenue. The show, entitled Nobody's Fool brought these little children to life with a life-size tree house, cottage, & playrooms throughout. The show is over, but you can still view it on-line by clicking the above links. Shop the Asia Society Gift Shop now.