Provincetown, Massachusetts has a long tradition for hosting and inspiring artists from many different schools. Painters, Photographers, Writers, and Performers create some of their finest work here decade after decade after decade. The sun, sand, and salt air create a magic combination - and a light that is rarely duplicated.
Photographer Kevin McDermott is one artist clearly inspired by the natural beauty of this place. Based in New York, McDermott has been drawn to Provincetown to shoot breathtaking landscapes. Gallery Ehva in P-town will host Mr. McDermott's latest show from August 26th through September 14th.FARAONE MENNELLA - FINE JEWELRY - PH: KEVIN McDERMOTT
McDermott has built a well rounded portfolio. His success is due in part to his ability to move from vast landscapes, to intimate portraits with the same amount of detail and insight. After all, great photographers have a vision, a way to see things that most of us don't - capturing a beauty we might not see. TENAMPA TEQUILA - PH: KEVIN McDERMOTT
Fashion fans know his work from fine jewelry and interior design campaigns, and just about anyone who reads magazines has seen his work in the world of Wine & Spirits.
McDermott also has a following for fans of the Male form. His powerful portraits of Male models are sought after by collectors from around the world. McDermott is also sought after by aspiring models building their own portfolios. Models and modeling agencies know that the right shot from a talented photographer like Kevin can be worth gold in a portfolio shown to prospective clients. TRAINER TO THE STARS, MODEL, & SINGER/SONGWRITER - ISAAC SMITH
In addition to physical beauty, McDermott's live models typically have more to offer than just what meets the eye. Case in point is Isaac Smith. Mr. Smith carries several titles. Personal Trainer to the stars, Male Model, & Singer/Songwriter are three he juggles day to day with ease. Smith has a loyal following of high profile clients that he transforms via old-school and state of the art training techniques. In addition, Isaac has a singing voice that somehow sounds like a cross between Seal & Frank Sinatra. You don't get to use the word Crooner too often these days, but Smith's vocals definitely invoke that term. Isaac is also in talks with producers about a TV project based on his training techniques. How's that for multi-tasking?
To see more of Kevin McDermott's work - click KEVIN McDERMOTT to visit his website. Of course if you can get to Provincetown before September 14th - visit the Ehva Gallery to this beautiful show. Click Email Isaac today to plan your workout regimen, or to find out more about his music. If you contact him now, I bet Isaac can get you in better shape by September 14th as well!