OS GEMEOS CREATURE - P.S. 11 IN CHELSEAIdentical twin brothers Otavio and Gustavio Pandolfo are known the world over as Os Gemeos - or the twins in Portuguese. Born and raised in Sao Paulo, Brazil Os Gemeos are tagging the world- one giant mural at a time.
THE UNITED NATIONS OF SHORTSThe Pandolfo brothers create massive creatures that seem as if they are on some humanitarian effort from another planet. A few months ago their latest mural - or one eerily similar to their work popped up in NYC, down in Chelsea. Gracing the side of the seven story P.S. 11 - this Os Gemeos creature is uniting the world with his (or her) U.N. shorts made of flags from nations around the world.
The kids at P.S. 11 are accustomed to art on the walls - the school is covered with messages of the hopes and dreams of the students. Obviously, P.S. 11 is a school that is fostering creativity and teaching students to work hard and dream big!OVER THE RAINBOW AT P.S. 11 IN CHELSEA
Of course graffiti art has taken on an entirely different reputation and value in the last 10 years. Crossing over into the mainstream modern art world - some of these artists that were once just the bane of local police forces everywhere - have become multi millionaires through prestigious art gallery showings. You can't mention the medium without talking about Banksy - the elusive grand master of the movement. Subject of the cult documentary - Exit Through the Gift Shop - Banksy has eluded personal fame and remained anonymous - even as his work become known around the world. P.S. 11 IN CHELSEA - NYCThe Banksy twist on iconic images through political and social statements makes the work unmistakable. The movie is a must see for any fan of modern art. Clearly, the internet and social media has changed the modern art world forever. Marketing and Public Relations wizards know have 21st century wands to wave and go just about anywhere with the snap of a digital camera or the click of a mouse.
For more images of Os Gemeos creations, click - DEITCH
To Watch Exit Through The Giftshop now, click BANKSY MOVIE.
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