DAVID BATCHELOR AT STELLA MCCARTNEY - SOHO PH: JASON JOBSONStella McCartney has taken her unique sense of style further
STYLE IN THE ROUND AT STELLA PH: JASON JOBSONdowntown in NYC to SOHO! This British designer is the coolest woman working a runway collection on either side of the pond, and she continues to make news season after season. Last Fall she bested every American designer right under their noses by dressing more A-List celebs at the Met Costume Institute Gala than even the late honoree - Alexander McQueen!
In fact, Stella and her crack team of fashion professionals seem to be one of the only companies creating any buzz these days. Not by going public, not by starring in some tacky reality show, but by creating newness - season after season. There is something you can't put into words about Stella and the way she rolls. Her fashion shows and boutique events have an authentic vibe to them that shows her credibility with celebrities and the "in" crowd is the real deal. BROCADE IN GOLD -STELLA McCARTNEY PH: PAMELA BERKOVIC The celebrities in attendance are there because they want to be, not as some sort of pay-for-play deal with agents and fashion campaigns. Stella is just cool.
The new boutique is bigger and brighter thanLITTLE BLACK JACKET - STELLA McCARTNEY F2012 PH: PAMELA BERKOVIC McCartney's current 14th Street store. It covers two floors and several thousand square feet. Ms. McCartney naturally outgrew the Meatpacking District store over time by creating division after division, and by raising the bar on her own creativity. McCartney refuses to use leather or fur in any category and has become the only fashion designer in the industry doing so to achieve status and make "wanted" accessories from non leather or exotic skins.
U.K. based artist David Batchelor designed the sleek light boxes that fill Stella's windows and make her entrance into SOHO's fashion scene. Located at 112 Green Street, McCartney is in good company right next to Louis Vuitton. Oddly, LV doesn't make their bags from leather either - but that's no Vegan cause - that's another conversation.
Stella McCartney is hot and you need at least one piece of her collection in your permanent wardrobe.DAVID BATCHELOR LIGHT BOXES
Up next for McCartney? Oh just designing the uniforms for the 2012 Summer Olympics in London! As if that weren't cool enough - look for Stella's cameo in the return of ABFAB. That's right, Patsy and Edina are back and this time around they love STELLA!
Visit the Stella McCartney boutique near you - Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Dallas, Bal Harbour, or New York. Don't wait to visit her website now. Her collection is also available on Net-a-Porter.
Stella McCartney SOHO is located at 112 Greene Street.