BROCCOLI WITH SHALLOTS, CHICKEN STOCK, AND SPICES - LIGHTLY SAUTE / STEAM PH: Jason JobsonIn an ongoing effort to eat more vegetables I have started making some of these super healthy items the main dish. With your favorite spices and proper cooking time, the veggies packed with the most antioxidants can also be the most delicious.
Broccoli - this member of the cabbage family has been found to be one of the healthiest vegetable we can add to our diet. THE BEST SELLING - HOW NOT TO DIE - DR. MICHAEL GREGOR Packed full of nutrients and vitamins, broccoli releases glucoraphanin and myrosinase when chewed. These enzymes work together to produce sulforaphane - which seems to be a magic element of health benefits. In his book "HOW NOT TO DIE" - Dr. Michael Gregor sings the praises of eating broccoli. He even contends that eating broccoli can counteract the health risks of smoking .. Pretty amazing! A simple sauté of broccoli with a little olive oil, chicken stock (vegetable stock for you vegans) and spices is one of the best things you can make at home.
CARROTS - These root vegetables are one of my other favorites. They are packed with Beta-Carotene which the human body converts into Vitamin A.SIMPLE SAUTEED CARROTS WITH PEPPER - SERVED OVER ARUGULA PH: Jason Jobson Vitamin A promotes healthy skin, immune system, and vision, among a host of other benefits that researchers are confirming year after year. Eat more carrots! You can prepare them the same way as broccoli - the less cooking the better. Nature made them perfect as is!