MERYL STREEP AS MARGARET THATCHER in THE IRON LADY - CLICK TO ORDER IN iTUNESActing marvel Meryl Streep gave yet another jaw dropping performance this year in THE IRON LADY. Streep plays former British Prime Minister - Margaret Thatcher. Thatcher was the longest running Prime Minister (1979-1990) of the 20th century, and the only Woman to ever hold the post.
FORMER BRITISH PRIME MINISTER MARGARET THATCHER CIRCA 1985 Thatcher was controversial figure as she favored deregulation and a decreased role of labor unions. The Iron Lady was a nickname given to Thatcher due to her strong public persona.
Streep disappears in her portrayal of Thatcher with her use of diction, demeanor, and physically transforming herself to that of Thatcher over decades as we watch her go from a blossoming politician to an elderly Woman battling dementia.MERYL STREEP AS MAGARET THATCHER - CLICK TO ORDER The fim is touching as we see the struggles of a Woman who once held the most powerful office in Great Britian as she faces her own mortality and must relegate power to household staff and a less than leader-like middle aged daughter.
The movie also created one of the biggest fashion statements of the year. The timing was ripe as the 1980's have come roaring back as a source of inspiration for the fashion world. Designers have embraced big hair and matching ensembles on runway after runway. Months before the release ELLE Magazine featured a major editorial title IRON LADY. With a nod to Streep and Thatcher, Elle gave us the best of the smart skirt suit dressing Thatcher is known for. Photog Terry Richardson shot Georgia Jagger (Mick and Jerry Hall's daughter) in her best Thatcher like style. Let's not forget that iconic hair!
Meryl StreepSTREEP TAKES HOME OSCAR GOLD took home Oscar Gold for the best female performance in a leading role.
GEORGIA JAGGER AS MARGARET THATCHER IN FERRAGAMO - PH: TERRY RICHARDSONIf you haven't seen the film, you should. Find it in a theater or on Netflix or iTunes asap.