The color PINK as a trend for Spring collections is a constant with designers around the world. In 2017 however, the color pink also has a strong political symbol as a reaction to the November 16 US elections, and as a rebuke to Donald Trump and his misogynistic actions and attitudes.
Of course fashion designers are the fastest artists to get showcase their expression of the times we live in. Social and political attitudes are often seen first on fashion runways before they can be seen in artwork or films which take must longer to become public.
Whatever your reason for wearing pink in 2017 - choose that shade that best flatters your skin tone and hair color. There is sure to be options from your favorite fashion designers.
Two runway looks that stole the show from Salvatore Ferragamo and Celine. Of course, accessories abound.
For any young ladies that need a refresher on all things FEMINISM - the The Feminine Mystique started a revolution in the 60's. This time it's televised!