Saturday, June 4, 2011 at 1:21AM
JASON JOBSON in Green Hornet, Green Lantern, Jim Henson, Kermit the Frog, Ryan Reynolds, Tesla Electric car, The 4th Bin

KERMIT THE FROG - THE MUPPETSOver thirty years ago Kermit the Frog sang about how it was not easy "Being Green".   His creator Jim Henson was giving a helpful message to the young fans of the wildly successful Muppet Show about finding their own place in the world.   I'm sure Henson also thought of the environmental meaning behind the songs title.  TESLA ROADSTER

These days the phrase has a whole different meaning.   We all struggle with the concept of being Green or Green-er every day, through the products we purchase and energy choices we make.    One car company that has achieved a totally Green vehicle with zero emissions via electric power cells is TESLA.  The California based motor company is definitely one to watch.   This Sillicon Valley start up company was able to get a car from concept to street ready in an amazingly short time frame of five years.   Founded in 2003, Telsa had cars on the street by 2008.   In the three years since the company has sold more than 1,500 cars in over 30 countries. RYAN REYNOLDS AS THE GREEN LANTERN  Incredible when you take into account the cars currently have a six figure price tag.  (experts say prices will decrease once output increases).  To find out more about Tesla, click the links above. 

Green is not just for sports cars and frogs.   This summer, Ryan Reynolds stars in the big screen and big budget movie version of THE GREEN LANTERN.  This Warner Bros. film is slated to be one of the big blockbuster movies of Summer.  Watch the trailer by clicking GREEN LANTERN.  To see The Green Lantern in comic form - click ITUNES.

One NYC based company is taking the Green initiative to another level.   The 4th Bin recycles your e-waste and the products that create it.   The company collects a wide range of products - from computers, to printers, to cell phone batteries and recycles them in a responsible way that is friendly to the environment.  This process will help keep toxic waste out of landfills and at the same time, protects your sensitive data.  To schedule a pick up for your old and out to date products - visit The 4th Bin now.   The company charges a small fee per item - think of it as creating your good "green" kharma!    Find out how to bring the service to your community by visiting THE 4TH BIN

Article originally appeared on www.alifeofstyle.com (http://www.alifeofstyle.com/).
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