Saturday, July 25, 2009 at 8:35PM
JASON JOBSON in Deep Green Living, Green for the Environment, Kermit the Frog, Lady Gaga, Muppets, Oscar the Grouch

Green is definitely the movement of the moment.   Everywhere you look, companies are jumping on the 'GO Green" bandwagon.  What was once seen an a sacrifice is now becoming a "trend" in marketing.  While some companies have come around to greener ways of manufacturing with less than benevolent intentions - who cares?  We can all agree - any effort to Reduce, Re-use, Recycle is a worthy cause.    Even the smallest changes you make in your own life will help the environment and also raise the next generation to think about these issues in a way that is beneficial to our planet.

Many of us have questions about just how to make the best choices.   If you are wondering how you can make a difference and just what to do - I suggest you check out  www.DeepGreenLiving.com.   DGL is a great company founded by Susan Short, that will help you learn the best options and why to choose the products that are good to the planet.

DGL has thought of some innovative and fun ways to learn about the environment - my favorite - a cocktail party!  That's right - if you invite the friends and provide the cocktails - one of the razor sharp staff members from DGL will attend and serve as your party host and give you all the Green lowdown as you down your favorite libation or four.   Great excuse to have the gang over and play mix-master!LADY GAGA A LA KERMIT

There are many other programs that do not include alcohol and also a great list of products to buy and even a GREEN gift basket that would be an EXCELLENT choice to give to any host or hostess you are visiting this summer!  

By the way, why isn't Kermit the frog all over this movement?  Could there be a better celebrity endorsement for Green causes than Kermit?  Oh, maybe Oscar the Grouch!  Now that I think of it, Oscar lived in a garbage can, so obviously he was into recycling.   Maybe there could be a Sesame Street / Muppets tie-in!  I'm going to get on that!

To find out more visit www.DeepGreenLiving.com !



Article originally appeared on www.alifeofstyle.com (http://www.alifeofstyle.com/).
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