Friday, January 15, 2010 at 3:24PM
JASON JOBSON in Iron Man, Madonna Sean Penn, fight club, guy ritchie, robert downey jr. jude law, sherlock holmes, sherlock holmes the movie, sir arthur conan doyle

One of the most written about characters in modern literature has once again made his way to the big screen.  Brought to us by director Guy Ritchie, this Sherlock Holmes is a version like you have not seen.   While the hero has been a favorite with readers for over 100 years, you never saw him like this.   Ripped, roaring drunk, and even knocking it out Fight Club style!   Brought to life by Robert Downey Jr. and Jude Law, it seems the cosmic forces were pulling for a blessed project for all these of these men.    DOWNEY JR. AS SHERLCOK HOLMES

Ritchie, Downey, and Law have all had a trying couple of years.   Ok, for Downey it was a decade or so, but the success of IRON MAN and now Sherlock Holmes means he is one of few actors in Hollywood to ever have two movie franchises heating up at the same time!  who would have thought? 

While Jude Law has always been well received in his films, he rarely has the spark with movie goers that he has ignited with his portrayal of Watson.

Guy Ritchie of course is a celebrated movie maker, but I have never been a huge fan.   While I appreciate his work, I always fee like he makes the same movie - over and over again.  (Snatch & Lock, Stock, & Two Smoking Barrels).  The synopsis being there are a bunch of guys who are going to smack the hell out of each other - after a chase scene.

I am a big fan, however, of his technique of bringing you so close to the action.   During the fight scenes, you feel like you are in the fight.   Many times, you can't even register what is happening, as you feel as disoriented at the guy being punched.   This really works in Sherlock Holmes and brings a grittiness and a physical brawn to a Character that has at times in other versions, come across so old fashioned and persnickety.

One of the big stars of the film are the costumes!  Transporting us to another time and place - the detail and design are the best tailoring seen on the big screen in some time!

Of course, Mr. Ritchie spent most of the last 8 years in the press for his personal life with Madonna.   They do say that success is the best revenge.  Not that I'm saying revenge is called for in that case!

Side note:  I am going to once again predict that Sean Penn and Madonna are going to find their way back together.   I said it here first over a year ago - but now that they are both divorced - perhaps it doesn't sound so crazy.

Go see Sherlock Holmes.   You will enjoy it - and there is a sequel coming - so you want to be caught up!  

If you are planning a trip to London- visit the official Sherlock Holmes Museum! Also, read more about the creator of Holmes - Sir Arthur Conan-Doyle.

Watch the trailer below:

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