Monday, April 20, 2009 at 11:38AM

VALENTINO IN ROMELegendary fashion designer Valentino Garavani is known for his sense of glamour and a real passion for beauty.  One of few designer brands known by one name - The Italian designer has a handful of peers - Chanel, Prada, & Gucci to name a few.  Valentino however is the rare example of a design house namesake who is still at the helm and has always been what he is - a fashion designer.   Chanel- founded by Coco is now in the creative hands of Karl Lagerfeld.   Prada- creatively controlled by Miuccia Prada- is a house that was founded by her grandfather who started making leather goods in the early 1900's.   Gucci- legandary as it is .. was a name synonymous for cheap licensed products sold at airport stores and discount  shops before Tom Ford re-invented the house.   Valentino on the other hand has stayed tried and true for 50 years - with the help and largely due to the efforts of life and business partner - Giancarlo Giammetti.

The name Valentino means luxury.   It means glamour, sophistication, and style.   Now thanks to  film director Matt Tyrnauer the name references one of the most endearing documentaries of the year - Valentino- the last emperor.   While watching a self indulgent fashion designer might not be everyone's cup of tea - the magic of the film is to see the dynamic between these two men who have spent the better part of 50 years living and working together.   Giancarlo Giametti - Valentino's partner is portrayed as the long suffering workhorse behind the ego-maniacal artist.   In real life - the role is more self inflicted than put upon as Mr. Giametti has a reputation for his own ego, stubbornness, and is no shrinking violet.TYRNAUER, GIAMMETTI, & VALENTINO - VENICE FILM FESTIVAL

While the entire relationship is glossed over a bit for the movie - for instance - another object of Valentino's affection- Bruce Hoeksema is seen in the film - but never mentioned.  Bruce went on to design his own bag collection VBH.

I have spent many years working on projects with the House of Valentino.   The best part and the true magic of being involved was always the  collection.  The collection itself is always beautiful - albeit out of touch with the modern woman - never the less - truly beautiful.   Working in the New York Showroom on 42nd street or the Paris Showroom overlooking Place Vendome - was as magical as any assignment could be.   To work with the house you had to have a love of fashion - for this was not a place to work if you were looking for a "scene" or the "it" place to be.

Inevitably - the time had to come when the two men would sell the company.   They created an amazing image and life - but not a hugely profitable business for the future.  Giammetti and Valentino had and have an enormously expensive lifestyle.  One that can barely be sustained by selling very few red carpet dresses.   The two showmen were able to sell the company to Italian conglomerate HDP in 1998. In 2002, textile giant Marzottogroup invested a huge amount of money to buy the company.   Represented in the movie by the handsome , 6th generation family  executive - Mateo Marzotto.  Fashion newbie Mateo thought he could wrangle the two foxes who still had creative control of the empire - but not so fast.  Once Marzotto realized the money pit they had overpaid to get -and the control the two men had over the hearts of every company employee,  they wisely and amazingly were able to repackage the company and sell it for an even bigger fortune to investment company -Permira for almost 1 Billion dollars.   You see - repackaging overpriced properties was not unique to the real estate world in 2005- 2008.

The film is a must see certainly for any fashion fan.   The beauty and glamour of this refined world is one that is finite and will not exist with the next wave of fashion designers.  The craft and culture of this world is a dying art.   Valentino will always be known as one of the best, the master of the red carpet - and of dressing Hollywood.

Valentino-the last emperor is playing in selected cities. 


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